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Snoring Treatment

Snoring treatment patient wearing a CPAP device in Spring, TX

Snoring is a prevalent sleep disorder that occurs when there is an obstruction or restriction in the airflow during sleep. This restriction causes vibrations in the soft tissues of the throat, resulting in the characteristic snoring sound. Although snoring may seem like a minor issue, it can lead to significant disturbances in both the snorer and their bed partner. It can also negatively impact personal relationships and disrupt the quality of sleep, leading to daytime fatigue and drowsiness.

If you or a loved one is struggling with snoring, seeking treatment can make a significant difference in your quality of life. At Oak Hills Dentistry in Spring TX, we offer snoring treatment options to help alleviate the symptoms of snoring. Dentist, Dr. Reagan Smith and our team of experienced dental professionals will provide a comprehensive evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your snoring and recommend appropriate treatment options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a more accurate diagnosis, explore treatment options, and review cost estimates. Don’t let snoring disrupt your life any longer – seek professional treatment and get a good night’s sleep.

What Is Snoring?

snoring treatment oakhills dentistry

Snoring is a common sleep disordered breathing that can be caused by the vibration of soft tissues in the mouth, nose, and throat as air passes through the airway during sleep. During sleep, the muscles in the throat relax, which can cause the airway to narrow, leading to breathing difficulties and resulting in the characteristic sound of snoring.

While snoring is often viewed as a minor inconvenience, it can also be a symptom of a potentially serious condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Obstructive Sleep Apnea is characterized by repeated breathing interruptions throughout the night, which can lead to a range of negative health consequences, including daytime fatigue, cognitive impairment, and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea often experience gasping, choking sounds, and loud breathing during sleep.

Fortunately, there are various treatments available that can address both minor snoring conditions and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Snoring treatment options include lifestyle changes, remaining at a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and sleeping on your side instead of your back. Dental devices, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, can also be effective at treating snoring and OSA. In severe cases, surgical procedures may be necessary to remove excess tissue from the airway or to reposition the jaw.

If you or a loved one is experiencing snoring or other symptoms of OSA, seeking professional treatment is essential to improve your quality of life and avoid serious health consequences. At our clinic, we offer a range of snoring treatments to address both minor and severe snoring conditions, including OSA. Our experienced medical team will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your snoring, the levels of severity and recommend the most effective treatment options for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a better night’s sleep.

Man sleeping wearing a snoring treatment device in Spring, TX

Why Do People Snore?

Snoring is a common sleep disorder that can be caused by various factors. Understanding the underlying causes of snoring is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some of the most common causes of snoring:

  1. Aging: As we age, the muscles in our throat tend to lose tone and become more relaxed, making us more susceptible to snoring.

  2. Being overweight or out of shape: Substantial weight can lead to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the throat, which can obstruct the airway and cause snoring. Lack of physical activity and poor muscle tone can also contribute to snoring.

  3. Nasal and sinus problems: Allergies, congestion, and other nasal and sinus issues can make it harder to breathe through the nose, forcing us to breathe through our mouths, causing dry mouth and leading to snoring.

  4. Body position: Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft tissues in the throat to fall back and obstruct the airway, leading to snoring.

  5. Physical attributes: Certain physical attributes, such as having a narrow throat, enlarged adenoids, or a cleft palate, can make you more likely to snore.

In addition to these factors, men are more likely to snore than women due to their narrower air passages. Smoking and alcohol consumption can also contribute to snoring by relaxing the muscles in the throat and causing inflammation in the airway.

If you are experiencing snoring, it is important to identify the underlying cause so that you can seek appropriate treatment.

Snoring Treatment

Once Dr. Smith determines that a patient has a snoring problem or OSA, they create an appropriate treatment plan. With extensive training and experience in snoring treatment, Dr. Smith will address the snoring issue while focusing on the root cause.

They may recommend one of several treatments or a combination of different methods depending on your situation. Schedule an appointment at Oak Hills Dentistry in Spring, TX, for a more accurate diagnosis and a review of treatment options and cost estimates.

The treatments include:

Lifestyle Changes

As a first-line treatment, Dr. Smith may recommend lifestyle changes to address the underlying cause of your snoring, such as:

  • Weight loss: Carrying excess weight, particularly around the neck, can contribute to snoring by narrowing the airway. Losing weight through a healthy diet and exercise can help reduce snoring.
  • Treating nasal congestion: Allergies, sinus infections, and other nasal issues can cause congestion, leading to snoring. Dr. Smith may recommend nasal strips, nasal sprays or other treatments to alleviate congestion and improve airflow.
  • Avoiding alcohol close to bedtime: Alcohol and sedatives can relax the muscles in the throat, leading to snoring. Dr. Smith may advise you to avoid alcohol close to bedtime to reduce your snoring.
  • Getting sufficient REM sleep: Chronic sleep deprivation can exacerbate snoring. Dr. Smith may recommend that you aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night to reduce your snoring.
  • Avoid sleeping on your back: Your sleep position plays a great role in snoring. Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft tissues in the throat to collapse, leading to snoring. Dr. Smith may recommend that you sleep on your side or use a positional device to keep you on your side.

A Mouth Guard

Mouthguards and other oral appliances can be a great snoring treatment. These devices work by widening the nasal passage to make breathing easier. Other mouthguards and oral appliances make use of mandibular repositioning to open up the airway. This involves carefully shifting the lower jaw forward, helping to reduce snoring and sleep apnea. Mandibular repositioning mouthguards are usually custom-made to fit the user’s mouth and jaw shape, making them comfortable and effective. They can also be adjusted to the user’s needs to get the best results. All in all, mandibular repositioning appliances are an excellent, comfortable option for reducing snoring symptoms.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine

The CPAP machine helps make your sleep more comfortable and restful by supplying a steady stream of air pressure through a mask. It’s easy to use and many people find that they adjust to it quickly. There are a variety of masks to choose from, including full-face, nasal, and nasal pillows. The mask is connected to a tube which is then connected to the CPAP machine. This ensures that you’ll get a consistent flow of air pressure during your sleep, helping to keep your throat open and aid in easier breathing. Some models also have humidifiers to help add moisture for added comfort. The machine also keeps track of your sleep patterns and can alert you to any changes. With regular use, it can be very effective at reducing snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

Our professional association in the Spring, TX, area is available to ensure those with more severe cases have access to the best care and treatment. CPAP machines can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep and overall health. So, if you’re looking for a way to get a good night’s rest and tackle any snoring or sleep apnea issues, the CPAP machine is a great option.

Benefits for Treatment of Snoring

Proactively seeking out treatment for snoring offers multiple benefits:

  • You’ll sleep better: Snoring treatment increases the chances of consistently getting a better night’s sleep. You’ll feel more well-rested and refreshed when you wake up.
  • Improved health: Treating snoring can help improve your overall health and well-being.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Snoring treatment can also provide a boost to the quality of life by improving sleep quality and reducing the impact of snoring on relationships. Keeping a regular sleeping schedule and getting adequate rest can lead to improved mood and a better quality of life.
  • A happier sleep partner: Loud snoring can make it difficult for your sleep partner to fall and stay asleep. Treating snoring allows you and your partner to rest well, potentially improving your relationship.
  • Reduced Risk of Medical Conditions: Snoring treatment can reduce the risk of medical conditions associated with snoring, such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, reduced heart rate, and stroke. Reducing the risk of these conditions can lead to a longer and healthier life.

Contact Us Today

For more information about snoring treatment options and cost estimates or to get a more accurate diagnosis, call our dental office, Oak Hills Dentistry in Spring, TX, at 281-350-8852 Our dentist, Dr. Reagan Smith, and his team would be happy to answer any questions.